Sexual Empowerment & Dating Coach. Speaker. Expert.
Helping individuals who feel broken, inadequate and shamed around their sexuality to reclaim their aliveness, sexual power, and a renewed relationship to pleasure while preparing them to feel hella confident to date.
Are you ready to let go of shame, feel embodied, create a delicious relationship to your sensuality and sexuality and date from a place of confidence? Welcome boo boo, you’re in the right place.

Let’s be real.
If you’re like a majority of the human race, the topic of sex can sometimes make your stomach flip. From the outside, you’re cool as a cucumber, can laugh with the best of them, making sexual jokes and innuendoes.
But deep down, the topic is hella triggering to you. You’re a highly educated person, and yes, you have consumed countless books, articles and podcasts on the matter, and yet, you still feel meh. Maybe you have experienced a trauma, maybe deep down you hate your body and don’t feel as confident as you want, maybe you struggle to know what you want sexually, maybe you disconnect and disassociate from your body, maybe you understand the idea of pleasure but struggle with embodying it on a regular basis. Or maybe you are just part of a society that benefits from you feeling stuck as fuck in the area of all things sex, love and relationships. You see, the sex and beauty industry are racking in the DOUGHHH. Together, they are bringing in billions, maybe even trillions of dollars each year. You’re silent suffering and feeling stuck, unworthy and wobbly about sex, love and intimacy means more green for them.
Until now, bitches.
I am deeply committed to help you reclaim your radiance, have a deep relationship to your pleasure, sexuality and sensuality and have the confidence to date like the SNACK that you are.


“I just wanted to thank you again for your hard work with me, I really enjoyed it. I genuinely feel like I’ve benefited from it in many areas of my life, at such an important stage for me, many of which I’ll take forward with me in life. My sessions with you were truly beneficial and opened up a whole new world of knowledge to me!!”
“Erica is a wonder coach. She is supportive, creative, insightful and compassionate. Her sessions flow organically and with a loving but discerning tenor. She has helped me tremendously! Even in our short time together, she helped me uncover an age- old pattern that has affected my life for decades. Erica is everything you ever wanted in a coach, and I recommend her MOST HIGHLY!!”
“Erica got me in touch with my sexuality and masculinity in a way that I was unable to access before. The relationship I now have with myself is on a much deeper and more intimate level than I could have ever imagined before. I’ve grown tremendously as a result of working with her. This is really a must, for all guys looking to expand their awareness of themselves.”
“Erica is very gifted at what she does. She is one of the major reasons I have been able to make huge transformative life changes. She challenges you while attending to your needs. She allows you to bring every part of yourself to the table without judgement. I have come to so many game changing realizations in my sessions with her, and that is because each tool, exercise or homework that she provides is specific to your situation. I highly recommend Erica to anyone (and even those who may be afraid of this type of work) who is looking to do the deep, ugly, beautiful soul searching that it takes to make positive changes in your life.”
SOOO my friend…
• Are you ready to get out of your head and into your body?
• To feel hella confident in and outside of the bedroom?
• To date others and yourself from a place of inner worth and radiance?
If so, click the link below and let’s CHAT. By clicking the link, you are signing up for a 60 minute, FREE, no strings attached discovery call. Bring your questions, comments, concerns… I am all yours!