How to Become the Author of Your Own Life 💥

The other day my PR agent texted me and said “pick up my call, right now.” Usually, when I get those texts it’s a great sign. So I giddily called him back and he said “Well, this is a first. You’re not going to believe this one. One of the editors that I pitched you to was FURIOUS that you have an acting background. In addition to We The Light, she sees that you have worked professionally as an actress and because of that, she denied the pitch. She can't see how someone can have both.”

At first, I giggled and was like “well that’s freaking weird.” And then I felt shame. Should I try to take down and erase my acting credentials? Should I hide my truth and try to present myself in a more linear and linkedin way (lol you know what I am talking about, all the blazers on blazers and business jargon). Should I be less visible with my wild ways? The editor wanted a crisp, square, one dimensional human and that ain’t me. Really that is no-one, but for me, that went against everything I was working towards for years. I actively pursued allowing myself to be fully and unapologetically me. 

Slowly, I moved through it. Until I was in sessions with my clients. Clients that reminded me why we do this work. That it is totally possible to hold ALL of our dreams and radiance. Because of our work together, clients who are living out loud and who play with life's fullness, in all the seasons and textures. Actors who are starting spiritual businesses, Accountants who are mothers and changing their whole lives. Humans that are navigating love, embodiment, pleasure, and the fullness of what living is all about. Clients who are working on all of the things including: dating, their self love journey, burn out recovery, healing from anxiety, body love, pleasure expansion, goal setting and more. 

 This stopped me dead in my tracks. I screamed out, “OMG, thank god I didn’t get that pitch!!!" This is one of my special sauces as a coach. I hold real humans to follow their dreams and to live their lives as if they are the artist and creator. These are people who are holding dreams, desires and greatness. So hell yeah, I’m thrilled to be seen in my fullness. I’m grateful to have created such an impactful and rich coaching practice AND have been blessed to pepper in acting jobs. I get to be expansive and thriving. That’s who little inner kid Erica always wanted to be. I get to be big, take up space and have multiple dreams. I’m allowed to be unconventional and follow my intuition. And so are you.

That aliveness, that passion for LIFE is one of the many reasons why I’m a top coach. I see your full range as a human and I hold you deeply, while cheering you on as you expand, thrive and allow yourself to have more than you ever thought was possible.

We don’t do no dusty crusty coaching over here. I will hold you tightly as you follow your dreams and slowly start to create that life you always wanted. The life of play, magic, beauty, richness and fullness. Where we know how to hold our darkness and our light and where we show up as versions of ourselves that our inner child would be so damn proud.

^ If you’re still reading, I’m going to guess that something I said resonated. That you’re craving to be held deeply, to have a non judgmental friend in your corner as you grieve, rage and process life’s hardships. That you have that in your pocket accountability buddy to make life fun, joyous and fulfilling again. I’m here, I’m here to hold you; to help you dust yourself off and start showing up as the radiant, brilliant badass you are, you deserve the world and this work is the first step.

If you’re ready to do the damn thing, let’s hop on a complimentary consultation. In this call we do a mini session so you leave with tools and things you can start to play with ASAP, in addition to seeing if we are a fit to work together either 1:1 or in my group programs. Space is limited, so be sure to book that free call HERE or shoot me a line.

Sending Juicy Love,


PS: Remember your radiance, I am here when you need me ;)

Erica Wiederlight