Let's Talk About New Beginnings πŸ”₯

Happy New Year, Angel Baby!!!

How are you feeling as we enter this new year? I know for me, new beginnings can both be a time of great excitement and underlying anxiety. I recently made a podcast episode on shifting our relationship to new beginnings and instead of focusing on harsh resolutions coming from a place of shame and fear; we reframe and lean on intentions, desires and rituals. It’s funny, we put a tremendous amount of pressure on ourselves to change our entire life from Dec. 31st to Jan. 1.

I think we can meet that with so much more kindness. How I like to approach a new beginning like a new year, new month even a new moon is this: I ask myself: β€œWhat do I desire? How can I take juicy action steps to get me towards that thing? Who would I have to be to have that thing? Who is the best version of myself and how can I start to show up as her NOW?” Part two is remembering that it doesn’t need to take a grand gesture to make change. Have you ever been swept under the narrative of β€œoh well, now my day is ruined!" Listen, if you need to throw yourself a pity party on certain days; I support it, but what I am talking about here is changing in the moment. Instead of waiting for a special day to show up and change, use every moment as a new gift to show up differently. Each moment is an opportunity to choose again, to show up from a space of love and have a changed and more hopeful/positive mindset. 

I talk about this in DEPTH on the podcast, but before we really go in on change, we have to digest what is and what has happened. SO, I invite you to pause here, and give me 5 celebrations and/or brags about yourself from this last year…great. Now, 5 gratitudes from this past year. Next, what are you desiring to release/ leave behind? If you are still feeling a little crunchy, what I like to do is look through old notebooks, planners and photos on my phone from the year; it helps me process what happened and allows me to take stock of what I want to change and what I can celebrate. Remember, the more we digest and the more we celebrate= more room for fresh newness, opportunities and dare I say, magic?!

Oh and hey! You can listen to my podcast HERE(Or on the podcast page.)


You can book a session with me HERE!

Love You, Erica 

Erica Wiederlight