Your Dream Life is Calling ๐Ÿ“žโœจ

{I donโ€™t have the time to prioritize myself and my joy}

This thought is nuanced and truly differs from person to person. Back in January, I was running my own business and working as an executive coach with countless companies and I trulyโ€ฆ could not add one more damn thing to my cal. I had to scale wayyyy back for my mental health and overall happiness. So yes, there is absolutely seasons where itโ€™s just not right timing to prioritize this type of workโ€ฆ.. andddddddd

It can also be used as a weapon against ourselves. A genius avoidant tactic. Like I said, sometimes itโ€™s just not the vibe, but if we are consistently using โ€œthis isnโ€™t the right timeโ€ as an excuse; I invite you into a gentle conversation. What are you avoiding? What do you fear if you start prioritizing yourself more? What are you scared will happen if you grow, shine?

On my free mojo makeover calls, folks often dig the session and then stop themselves and say something like โ€œbut maybe this isnโ€™t the right time to invest in myself.โ€ I genuinely ask is that the truth? If so, hell yeah! Way to advocate for yourself and your needs. Often though, there is fear under the surface. "I want to work with Erica, and focus on my self care, self love, dating, $.eggsual empowerment and feeling confident, but I fear thatโ€ฆ." (fill in the blank)

Fear is normal, ESPECIALLY when youโ€™re about to do shit that will quite literally change your life. But itโ€™s our job to investigate if this story is truth or is fear whatโ€™s in the way? Do I really not have capacity or am I scared? If youโ€™re scared, thatโ€™s normal as hell. But what is on the other side of that fear can be so much juice, aliveness, magic and possibility.

Today, I invite you to both lovingly push back on your fear and negative thoughts. I also dare you to do something a little scawy. Is it apply for that new job? Sign up for the class? Dare I say, book a call with me ๐Ÿ˜œ Gently hold yourself to the life you want. So often, it's on the other side of that fear.

 To book that free mojo makover call that I talk about, click my link below! This call is totally complimentary and is all about you leaving feeling fabulous and with a plan to create your dream life! โœจ

Sending BIG Love & Juicy Vibezzz,


{because life is brighter when we shine} hope to see you on the call ๐Ÿ˜œ

Erica Wiederlight